Gregor Obronek
Ayurvedic and Marma therapist
Gregor Obronek from Slovenia is a long-time Ayurvedic and Marma therapist. He has more than 15 years of full-time work in Ayurveda, about 10,000 consultations and thousands of clients. His Ayurvedic journey began with learning TM meditation in 1991. In 1995, he became a TM technique teacher, later he studied Maharishi Ayurveda and learned from many renowned Ayurvedic doctors such as Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger and Dr. Ernest Schrott, with whom he personally learned and perfected the technique of Marma therapy. In the last 6 years, he has had about 5,000 marma treatments.
This path to perfect health inevitably led him to essential oils, which he uses daily in his therapies and advises patients, and fascinated by the Oshadhi brand, he has been representing it on the Slovenian market since 2020.
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