Elizangela Ramos Pinto

Elizangela Ramos Pinto

Clinical Aromatherapist

Elizangela Ramos Pinto

Clinical Aromatherapist

Clinical Aromatherapist certified at Instituto Aromaluz from Campinas, Brazil. Tibetan Medicine and Tibetan Tsalung Trulkhor Healing Method Practitioner – received from Professor Dr. Pasang Arya, from whom she also received knowledge of the Body and Mind Cleansing and Rejuvenation Process of Traditional Tibetan Medicine.

She also combines her passion for the essential oils with her languages skills (is fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish). She has been interpreting and translating the work of many Aromatherapy, Naturopathic Medicine and Herbalism teachers and professionals from all over the world.

She has had the opportunity of volunteering in local hospices in North Caroline, US, where she created a clinical aromatherapy course for palliative care professional and trained the nurses in the hospice for the use of Aromatherapy for end of life patients.